Rev. Parsaoran Manullang, MMin
Having previously served with Grace Methodist Church in 2016-2017, Pastor Parsaoran Manullang was once again returned to lead our congregation.
He earned his Master's degree in Social Science from Universitas Sumatera Utara in 1996, followed by a Master's in Divinity from Trinity Theological College, Singapore in 2006, and a Master's of Ministry from the same college in 2015.
Throughout his career, Pastor Parsaoran Manullang has served at the Wesley Methodist Church, Medan - Indonesia; Mahanaim Methodist Church, Lau Bekrie, Medan - Indonesia; Medan Timur Methodist Church, Medan - Indonesia, and Sungai Yordan Methodist Church, Bekasi - Indonesia.
His wife Sri Agustina Rumapea is also active in the ministry, and their twin boys Noah and Nathan, help to keep spirits high at our church.
He is available by email at: or by phone at: 081263911307