1. He is the only, unique Son of God (Psalm 2:7).
    2. He is eternal. He existed from eternity past, He exists in the present, and He will exist for all eternity in the future (John 1:1-3).
    3. Jesus alone is the One who bore our sins so that we could have forgiveness and be saved from them (Isaiah 53).
    4. Jesus is the only Way to the Father (John 14:6)
    5. Jesus alone had power over His own death and the ability take back His life again (John 2:19)
    6. Jesus alone accepted worship as an equal with the Father, and indeed God the Father states that the Son is to be honored as He is honored. All others, whether Jesus’ disciples or angelic beings, rightly reject that worship.
    7. Jesus has the power to give life to whom He will (John 5:21).
    8. The Father has committed all judgment to Jesus (John 5:22).
    9. Jesus was with the Father and directly involved in the creation, and it is by His hand that all things are held together
    10. It is Jesus who will rule the world at the end of this present age
    11. Jesus alone was born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit. The sin nature is genetically inherited from the male. He had no human father and therefore was born without a sin nature.
    12. It is Jesus who demonstrated that He had the attributes of God [e.g., the power to forgive sins and heal the sick; to calm the wind and waves; to know us, being perfectly acquainted with us, to raise the dead, etc.
    13. There are a great number of prophecies concerning the Messiah’s birth, life, resurrection, person, and purpose. All were fulfilled by Him and no other (Isaiah 7:14)