
Find out a little more about what makes Grace Methodist Church special to the members of our congregation.

Staff Person 1
"I came to know Grace Methodist Church in 2005 when I saw their announcement in The Jakarta Post for an English language worship service. I had expected a bigger church, but was not disappointed as I found the congregation to be an interesting mix of locals, expatriates from several Asian countries, and even a family from South Africa.
The atmosphere was warm and friendly and I was made  very welcome. That this is a church that cares for the community is reflected in its Grace Kids Preschool on the church premises and through its support for two preschools in South Sumatera and one in the kampung near the church, together with several social programs for neighboring kampungs.  I strongly recommend Grace Methodist Church to anyone who is looking for a place to worship that is informal, friendly, and caring."

- Mr. David L.Y. Chan

"Justin moved to Jakarta in August of 2011, and on Christmas Eve of that year he met Tiara. Despite growing up thousands of miles apart, they were both raised in the Methodist church. Four years later, they were married in a ceremony officiated by Grace Methodist Church, and their daughter, Kinara Grace, was baptized at the church in June 2017.

For our young family, Grace Methodist Church has been a steady guiding presence in our lives, and has been a foundational part of our transition from a dating, engagement, marriage, to parenthood. We’ve found a wonderful, caring community who we love worshiping with. We hope others will find Grace to be a warm, and welcoming church family."

- Justin Snyder and Tiara Sianturi

Staff Person 2